Our Services


    Ready to share the load and really up your socials game? We’ve got you!

    Within this package we take care of your social media platform for you. This can include regular content posting, DM support, hashtag strategy, community engagement, insight reports and monthly check-ins. This is a tiered package and can be altered to fit a client's specific needs.


    After a refresh or a place to start? This one’s for you.

    A profile audit is a one-time service whereby we conduct an analysis and provide a report on your current social media account(s). We offer personalised support, including example content strategy, within our report on how you can improve your social media presence to increase sales or engagement. 

  • 1:1 POWER HOUR

    Needing some extra support to get started or transition into something new? Read on…

    This is a service comprised of a social media audit and a one-to-one video consultation (1 hour), where we give you the skills to take your social media presence to the next level. This service also includes a write up of the audit and our consultation notes.


    1:1 regular support for creatives.

    The Flying Papaya Social Media Mentoring Programme is run by our founder, Eden.

    We created this programme specifically with musicians and creatives in mind. It’s a space where Eden can provide guidance, support and motivation to help you achieve your social media goals.


It all begins with an idea. Whatever it is, the way you tell your creative story online can make all the difference.